"Game of Thrones"
Upon Winterfell, a Tree of Ages
The Long Winter has come. The Night Walkers march south as if bringing the dark ice with them. Shall the Wall fall? Shall castle gates be trampled and burned into cold ashes? Alliances are made. Enemies are unmade but treachery and deception lingers. Shall right and truth and honour prevail? Shall unfailing wisdom and the compassionate discover the ways long travailed in blood and loss? Four Starks remain and a Gray Wolf and Three Dragons and two queens who fight for Seven Kingdoms. Or is there a third, yet untold, to unfold her wings with the soul of a dove and the heart of a crow? The ravens fly with ominous words haunting misdeeds miscalculated. Will remembered good deeds run upon strong steeds more swiftly than the dark thundering, penetrating bolts of the Night Walkers through the woods and the vales as the Long Winter casts its cloak deep upon the land?
Good and true knights stand at the ready with shield and sword shining in their hands that must never tremble, must never miss. Bows and arrows sing through the falling snow and the dragons bring fire and all armies from every shire learn and train amid the burning ashes that rain upon the rocks. Huge ships clandestine, ghostly haunt the seas, take captive good warrior-maidens as the Unsullied move inward and the uncrowned look within themselves for the strength gained, the guidance sent, and answers locked deep within a mountain as the Night Walkers march south unrelentlessly?
Will The Wall stand firm? Will the Nightwatch brave the dark wind approaching? Will a young crippled seer see? Will a young girl hear a beautiful dream within the loud roar of a nightmare? Will one knight find that fear is his friend? Will a dwarf discover that in the end he was tall and true and good? Will an old Hound with face scarred from battles within and wars without, find his own peace at last in a simple wooded cabin with a hearth made warm by Grace found given? Will the Seven Kingdoms prevail as the Night Walkers rend death through the woods and the vales? Amidst all the blood, all the plunder, all the evil will the Tree of the Ages still stand to bloom a New Spring and who shall wear the Crown or leave it buried neath the greening ground?
Dirt, paladin and friend